Energize Chiropractic and Wellness Blog

Chiropractic Kirkland WA Woman Reading Book

In The Swing Of Things

October 1, 2021

In The Swing Of Things by Dr. Leah Meadows As the summer season starts to close, and the school year begins to start, getting back into the rhythm of a schedule is challenging for some and a much-anticipated necessity for others. There are a few things that are tremendously important to SET OUR DAY up…

Increasing Our Energy Levels Through Chiropractic Care!

September 30, 2021

Interviewer: What was life like before receiving chiropractic care and how did you learn about Energize Chiropractic and Wellness? Kristina: We were in a lot of pain. I had a lot of health issues, and my husband had a bad back on top of our son constantly dealing with motor skill issues. My mom found…

Tony Improves His Posture With Chiropractic Care!

September 30, 2021

Read this incredible interview with one of our doctors and a patient about how we helped him improve his posture! Dr: What was life like before receiving chiropractic care, and how did you learn about Energize Chiropractic and Wellness? Tony: My life before receiving chiropractic care was terrible. My back hurt. I learned about Energize…

Chiropractic Improves Sports Performance

Chiropractic Improves Sports Performance

September 27, 2021

Game Day to It’s Full Potential We all want to put our best foot forward when the game is on the line, but most athletes, especially those in high school, they’re not reaching their full potential. Everything is connected, and it’s our job to make sure those connections are working at their very, very best.…

Chiropractic Kirkland WA Yoga

Posture Wrap Party

September 22, 2021

Posture Wrap Party by Dr. Michelle Irwin This month we have focused on posture again because it is so important to our overall health and wellbeing. The daily activities we take for granted as just another day are what build our future life. Beginning with our school days wearing backpacks to school all the way…

Why Did I Become A Chiropractor

September 20, 2021

I’m Dr. Bobby and this is my chiropractic story. Growing up, sports were everything to me. My whole life revolved around sports, soccer and basketball, track and field. When I was in my early teens, I started noticing that my back kept locking up, and my muscles got stiff after like twenty minutes of activity,…