Energize Chiropractic and Wellness Blog

Chiropractic Kirkland WA Stress and Digestive Problems

How Stress Can Affect The Digestive System

December 10, 2021

How Stress Can Affect The Digestive System. By: Dr. Michelle Irwin! Have you ever had butterflies in your stomach? For the most part, people know that it’s our stomach trying to tell us something, but how do we know what it is trying to say? Whether good or bad we know that something is going…

From Skeptic To Strong Believer In Chiropractic Care

December 7, 2021

Hi, my name is Jennifer, and this is my story with Energize Chiropractic and Wellness. Before receiving chiropractic care-I didn’t know a lot of stuff and what I learned with Energize Chiropractic and Wellness was how to care for my body so I would feel less pain with some of the existing pains that I…

Fixing The Curvature In His Neck With Chiropractic Care

December 7, 2021

My name is Chris Wallace, and this is my story with Energize Chiropractic and Wellness. Well, my life before chiropractic care was just one in slight discomfort and pain. My upper back was always feeling like it was stressed out. The muscles were tense, and it was just pain. Then when I first learned about…

Less Pain & More Mobility In Back With Chiropractic Care

December 7, 2021

Karen: My name is Karen. Hubie: I’m Hubie. This is our story with Energize Chiropractic and Wellness. Karen: I started with Energize Chiropractic and Wellness because I was in chronic pain and I have a fusion in my low back and was told that I could not get adjusted in my low back any longer…

Rare Spine Force Machine For Auto Injuries

December 7, 2021

One thing that I get asked anytime somebody comes into the office who’s new or has been coming in for a long time is, “What is that big machine?” Today I’m going to describe to you what our Spine Force is and what we use it for. A Spine Force is a machine that is…

Posture Exercise

December 7, 2021

When you’re working hard all day in a seated position, it’s very easy to stop paying attention to your posture. A lot of times patients with forward head carriage and rounded shoulders, it’s due to prolonged sitting, which causes your neck and your shoulders sort of to mold forward into that posture. These are four…